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3. You have rights if you believe your copyright is being infringed:

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5. We are an internet service provider, e.g., we are not responsible for and do not necessarily hold the opinions expressed by our content contributors:

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7. Your use of our site is subject to certain disclaimers:

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Our site may contain various combinations of text, images, audiovisual productions, opinions, statements, facts, articles, market data, stock quotes or other information created by us or by third-parties. Due to the number of sources from which content on our site is obtained, and the inherent hazards of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in such content. accordingly, such content, including market data, is for your reference only and should not be relied upon by you for any purpose.

The content is for information, news and dessimation and is not published by medical professionals and should not be used or construed as medical advice. While reasonable endeavours are being undertaken to ensure the veracity of the content, the research is from secondary sources that are credited within the content published. Healthquill.com will not be liable for any losses, damages, claims or other such liability (including, without limitation, consequential losses) in connection with the news/articles published on the website.

8. Any dispute between us will be governed by Bengaluru law:

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