Climate Pharma

Covid-19, war, high inflation may decelerate global growth: World Bank

Global growth may decelerate sharply in 2023 to its third weakest pace in nearly three decades, according to World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects.

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Climate Medical

World’s glaciers may go extinct faster than expected: French scientists

At 1.5 degree Celsius of global warming, 49% of the world’s glaciers may disappear by 2100, according to a study by French scientists.

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Climate Health

Catch the falling snow now, tomorrow you may not

Global cold spells and frost days are set to fall as New Year temperatures soar above 20 degrees Celsius in European nations, according.

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Climate Health Medical

Tobacco companies to clean cigarette butts from public places in Spain

Spain passes plastic waste decree that will force tobacco companies to clean up cigarette butts from public spaces

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Climate Health

Gas compressors in fridges, air conditioners are cliches, ionocaloric is cool

Vapour compressions, which use gases with high global warming potential for heating and cooling, can be replaced with a salt’s flow of electrically.

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Climate Health

Climate impact labels on menus can impact food choices; study

Climate impact labels seem to control food choices among people, says a study.

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Climate Health Medical

Cholera deaths cross 500 in Malawi; schools remain closed

Malawi cholera deaths cross 500 and government decides to keep primary schools closed

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Climate Health

Global warming to continue, forecast for 2023 is hot

The world must brace for a possible El Nino next year, a climate pattern expected to drive up temperatures and trigger upheavals across.

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Climate Health

Emergence of forests on Earth did not cut down CO2 levels in atmosphere, says study

A collaborative study found that the CO2 levels in Earth’s atmosphere were much lower than previously thought when forests emerged on our planet.

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Climate Health

US scientists report breakthrough in fusion ignition

In a bid to replicate the sun's power, US scientists experimented with extracting clean energy from the fusion process, which proved successful.

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