Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Arbutus drags Pfizer, BioNTech to court over patent infringements

HQ Team April 5, 2023: Arbutus Biopharma Corporation and Genevant Sciences filed a lawsuit in a US court seeking compensation for Pfizer and BioNTech’s unlicensed use.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

J&J raises talc settlement to $8.9 billion, unit files for a second bankruptcy

HQ Team April 5, 2023: Johnson and Johnson, a US multinational making pharmaceuticals and medical devices, has offered to pay $8.9 billion to.

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Health Medical Pharma

One in six people globally suffers from infertility disease: WHO

HQ Team April 4, 2023: About one in six people worldwide suffer from infertility, a disease that disables the male or female reproductive.

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Health Medical

India-based firm unveils new AI-assisted parenting platform

HQ Team April 3, 2023: Totto Learning, an India-based online parenting company, unveiled its artificial intelligence application, Cuddle, to support pregnant women and.

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Climate Health

Stressed plants emit sounds that humans can’t hear: Israeli scientists

HQ Team April 3, 2023: Israeli researchers found that plants emit a distinct high-frequency sound similar to human speech that is beyond the.

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Drugs Health Medical

Obesity drug may be added to WHO list of essential medicines

Obesity is a global concern and the WHO maybe forced add obesity drugs to its essential medicine list

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Climate Health Medical

Indian man infected with first ever case of killer plant fungus

A man in India is the world's first documented case of a plant fungal infection.

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Health Medical

Eight-fold increased risk of heart attack in patients with undetected coronary condition

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark have found asymptomatic people with undetected obstructive coronary atherosclerosis increase their risk for a heart.

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Drugs Health Pharma

India fully exempts import tax for drugs treating rare diseases

India has granted a complete customs duty exemption for the personal use of medicines to treat rare diseases, including Merc & Co’s Keytruda.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Aurobindo Pharma signs licensing pact with UN body to fight HIV

Aurobindo Pharma, an Indian maker of generic pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients, announced it signed a voluntary sub-licensing with a UN body for.

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