Climate Health Medical

‘100,000 Afghani kids face a bleak future amidst strife and temblors’

HQ Team January 16, 2024: Over 96,000 children in Afghanistan are in dire need of support almost 100 days after earthquakes devastated the.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Illicit meth from Afghanistan a growing global threat: UN body

HQ Team September 12, 20232: Methamphetamine trafficking is expanding rapidly from the EU to Eastern Africa, changing illicit drug markets traditionally focused on.

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Health Medical Pharma

Russia-Ukraine war refugee outflow fastest since World War II

HQ Team June 15, 2023: The world’s total number of people displaced by war, persecution, violence, and human rights abuses rose to 108.4.

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Climate Health Medical

Water storage levels in 50% of world’s largest lakes falling: Study

HQ Team May 20, 2023: Half of the world’s largest lakes are losing water due to a warming climate, unsustainable human consumption, and.

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