Drugs Health Pharma

Cigarette smoking may help fight Parkinson’s disease: Harvard research

Smoking cigarettes may protect humans from neurodegeneration and prevent the accumulation of a key Parkinson’s-associated protein in the brain, new research on mice.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Scientists inject goo in sheep’s knee joints to regenerate cartilage

Scientists at Northwestern University's Simpson Querrey Institute for BioNanotechnology have invented a bioactive material to successfully regenerate cartilage in the knee joints of.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Scientists connect gut microbiota to Alzheimer’s disease in lab experiments

HQ Team October 19, 2023: Experiments conducted on young adult rats have established a link between Alzheimer’s and gut microbiota, according to a.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Weight-loss drug mimicking exercise may help treat obesity, diabetes

HQ Team October 2, 2023: A drug that mimics the benefits of rigorous exercise has been developed on mice by scientists at the.

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Drugs Health Pharma

US boffins invent device to detect body’s organ transplant rejection

HQ Team September 11, 2023: An electronic device to endlessly monitor a transplanted organ’s temperature, to detect signs of the body’s rejection, has.

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