Drugs Health Pharma

India’s Nipah virus cases under quarantine for 21 days, 2 people die

HQ Team October 4, 2023: All infected contacts of the two people who died in a Nipah virus outbreak in India’s southern state.

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Climate Health Pharma

Dengue claims lives of 1,017 people in Bangladesh as humidity soars

HQ Team October 3, 2023: Dengue has claimed the lives of more than 1,000 people in Bangladesh since January as 79,598 cases, the.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Dengue kills 569 people in Bangladesh, WHO drafts response plan

HQ Team September 4, 2023: Dengue has claimed the lives of 569 people in  Bangladesh since it started in the last week of.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Dengue claims 327 lives in Bangladesh, cases rising

HQ Team August 12, 2023: At least 327 people have died in Bangladesh from January 1 to August 7 due to dengue, with.

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Health Medical Pharma

Drowning kills 236,000 people, mostly children, every year globally

HQ Team July 25, 2023: At least 2.5 million people died because of drowning in the last decade and 90% of these deaths.

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Climate Health Medical

Aid agencies brace for Mocha in Bangladesh, Myanmar

HQ Team May 14, 2023: Violent winds, flooding, and landslides may result due to a severe cyclone, Mocha, expected to sweep through Bangladesh.

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Drugs Pharma

Janssen’s human trials for dengue virus to advance to phase II

Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, announced its first-in-human clinical trial of a compound to treat dengue had entered.

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Drugs Medical Pharma

Antibiotic resistance linked to higher arsenic content in drinking water

A rise in arsenic levels in drinking water may result in higher antibiotic resistance of diarrhea-causing Escherichia coli bacteria in children, a study.

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Health Pharma

Tuberculosis claims 1.6 million people in 2021, WHO says

Tuberculosis, the second deadliest infectious killer after Covid-19, claimed 1.6 million lives last year, including 187,000 HIV-positive patients, according to the WHO's 2022.

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