Drugs Health Pharma

Diet, exercise, socialisation may help in early stage Alzheimer’s disease

Intensive diet and lifestyle changes may forestall a cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease and make progress for patients during early stages, a study.

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Drugs Health Medical

Largest precision nutrition research launched to find the exact diet for you

HQ Team February 16, 2024: Diet fads are common. Every few months the world gets excited about one kind of diet or the.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Opinion: Smoking, hypertension, stress snuffing out young people’s lives

By Dr K. Leelamoni November 7, 2023: My cousin’s son, 46, went to a hospital in the southern Indian state of Kerala as.

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Health Medical

Scientists may have found a way to lose weight and keep it off longterm

A new study says that neural pathways that control hunger pangs become overactive during dieting and inhibiting their progress may be the key.

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Health Pharma

Fast food may cause nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Keck Medicine

Consumption of fast food may lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a life-threatening condition, according to researchers from the Keck School of Medicine.

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Drugs Health

Study maps effect of exercise and diet on cellular pathways

A new study reveals cellular changes that take place in response to exercise and high-fat diets

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