Drugs Medical Pharma

Oxford spin-off develops new test to detect heart attacks 10 yrs in advance

Caristo Diagnostics, founded by four Oxford University cardiologists, has developed an AI-assisted software that can detect cardiac events a decade in advance.

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Drugs Health Medical

Anger can act as a trigger for a heart attack: Study

HQ Team May 7, 2024: Anger, for just a few minutes, and the associated stress, depression and anxiety can lead to adverse cardiovascular.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Opinion: Smoking, hypertension, stress snuffing out young people’s lives

By Dr K. Leelamoni November 7, 2023: My cousin’s son, 46, went to a hospital in the southern Indian state of Kerala as.

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Drugs Health Pharma

‘Every hour 1,000 people die of stroke, heart attack due to high blood pressure’

HQ Team September 19, 2023: More than 1,000 people globally die of strokes and heart attacks every hour, mostly due to high blood.

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Drugs Health Medical

New blood thinner compound reduces bleeding risk

HQ Team May 3, 2023: Researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of British Columbia have developed a new blood thinner.

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