Drugs Health Medical

World’s first lung cancer vaccine given to patient in UK as human trials begin

HQ team August 23, 2024: .An mRNA-based lung cancer vaccine is being tested for the first time on patients in the UK. Known.

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Drugs Health Medical

Oral insulin successfully tested on animals, human trials set for 2025

Bharti Jayshankar February 5, 2024: Scientists have developed a form of oral insulin, offering an alternative to traditional syringes or insulin pumps. The.

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Drugs Health Pharma

University of Oxford starts human trials to develop vaccine against Nipah virus 

HQ Team January 11, 2023: The first human trials for a vaccine against Nipah virus have been started by the University of Oxford,.

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Health Medical Pharma

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Corp gets nod to begin human trials 

HQ Team September 20, 2023: Elon Musk’s Neuralink Corp., got a nod from an independent institutional review board to start recruiting for a.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Human trials to stop radioactive contaminants in body begin

HQ Team May 17, 2023: The first trial on humans of an experimental oral drug for removing radioactive contaminants from inside the body.

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