Climate Health Pharma

‘Transitioning away’ from fossil fuels is new COP28 climate change buzzword

HQ Team December 13, 2023: The UN climate conference has called for a “transitioning away” from fossil fuels to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

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Climate Drugs Health

Failing crops, melting glaciers, record-smashing heat in 2022: WMO

HQ Team April 22, 2023: Record-breaking heat caused by greenhouse gases, ocean heat, and ocean acidification have resulted in glacial melts, a rise.

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Climate Medical

World’s glaciers may go extinct faster than expected: French scientists

At 1.5 degree Celsius of global warming, 49% of the world’s glaciers may disappear by 2100, according to a study by French scientists.

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Climate Health

Catch the falling snow now, tomorrow you may not

Global cold spells and frost days are set to fall as New Year temperatures soar above 20 degrees Celsius in European nations, according.

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Climate Health

Global warming to continue, forecast for 2023 is hot

The world must brace for a possible El Nino next year, a climate pattern expected to drive up temperatures and trigger upheavals across.

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