Drugs Health Medical

Novel long-acting GLP-1 agonist offers hope for type 2 diabetics

HQ Team November 4, 2023: Scientists at the University of Tabriz, Iran, have done pioneering work on a long-acting GLP-1 agonist that holds.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Metformin may prevent dementia in diabetics, new research suggests 

HQ Team October 27, 2023: Millions of individuals managing diabetes rely on metformin to regulate their blood sugar levels. Recent research highlights the.

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Drugs Health Medical

Diabetes medicine metformin cuts risk of developing long Covid by 40%

HQ Team June 9, 2023: Metformin, a cheap and widely-used diabetes drug, reduces the incidence of long Covid by nearly 40 per cent.

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Drugs Pharma

Zydus gets FDA green light for drugs to treat diabetes, shingles

Zydus Lifesciences, a subsidiary of Zydus Pharmaceuticals US, has received two tentative FDA approvals, one for treating type 2 diabetes and the other.

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