Climate Health Medical

World’s worst methane polluters identified by new satellite images

Bharti Jayshankar January 29, 2024: Kayrros, an environment intelligence company, has identified the world’s 1,300 largest methane-polluting sites from space with its satellite surveillance..

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Climate Health Pharma

Forest canopies may die out if global warming continues

HQ Team August 27, 2023: Global warming may wipe out canopies in tropical forests, with plants no longer able to combine light, CO2,.

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Climate Health Pharma

IBM’s AI model with NASA for climate scientists goes open-source

HQ Team August 5, 2023: IBM’s geospatial foundation model,, is now available in the open-source artificial intelligence platform, Hugging Face — the.

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Climate Health Pharma

Ocean color is turning green, boffins blame human-induced climate change

HQ Team July 13, 2023: From blue to green, the color of the oceans is changing, and the main factor is human-induced climate.

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