Drugs Health Pharma

US-based ARS’s nasal spray to treat allergic reactions gets FDA nod

ARS Pharmaceuticals, a US-based biopharmaceutical company, got the nation’s drug regulator’s approval for a nasal spray to treat allergic reactions in adult and.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Opiant’s nasal drug spray for opioid overdose gets FDA green light

HQ Team May 23, 2023: The FDA cleared Opiant Pharmaceuticals’ nasal spray to treat opioid overdose in adult and paediatric patients under the.

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Drugs Pharma

Finnish researchers say new COVID-19 nasal spray hold future promise

A nasal spray developed by Finnish researchers can prevent COVID-19 disease caused by all known variants and stop the transmission of the virus, according to.

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Drugs Pharma

Merck’s Covid-19 pill fails initial trial; AstraZenaca’s nasal spray too ineffective

Merck's Covid-19 pill no help in reducing hospitalization or death, Astrazenaca's nasal spray too fails trial

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