Drugs Health Pharma

Bristol Myers to acquire Karuna Therapeutics for $14 billion

HQ Team December 23, 2023: Bristol Myers Squibb will buy US-based biotech company, Karuna Therapeutics for $14 billion to expand its neuroscience portfolio,.

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Drugs Health Pharma

KarXT by Karuna Therapeutics offers hope for improved schizophrenia management

HQ Team, December 18, 2023: For individuals grappling with schizophrenia, the road to treatment is often marked by a lifelong commitment to antipsychotic.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Cannabis disorder prevention can obviate 30% schizophrenia cases in Denmark: Study 

HQ Team May 8, 2023: At least 30% of cases of schizophrenia in young adults could have been staved off in Denmark by.

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Drugs Pharma

Merck to acquire Prometheus for $10.8 billion to step up immunology presence

HQ Team April 17, 2023: US-based Merck will buy Prometheus Biosciences for about 10.8 billion to shore up its immunology portfolio to shield itself from.

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