Drugs Health Pharma

Cholera killed 4,000 people last year, current global risk of disease ‘high’

Cholera cases rose 13% and deaths by 71% in 2023 compared to a year earlier as a shortage of oral vaccines continues and.

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Climate Health Pharma

Climate change internally displaces 43 million children globally: UNICEF

HQ Team October 7, 2023: More than 43 million children have been displaced internally due to climate change during the five years leading.

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Climate Health Pharma

African children most at risk to climate change, UN calls for more funds 

HQ Team September 2, 2023: Children living in the Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Guinea, Somalia and Guinea-Bissau are most vulnerable to cyclones,.

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Climate Health Pharma

Drought killed 40,000 Somalians last year, WHO-UNICEF-Govt study reports

An estimated 40,000 Somalians may have died last year in a drought caused by the failure of six consecutive rainy seasons, a new.

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