Ozone layer may fully recover by 2040 if current policies prevail
The Earth’s ozone layer may recover fully by 2040, and five years later over the Arctic, if the current policies restricting the production.
Bharti Rana Jayshankar – Founder
She brings in more than 30 years of experience in content building, architecture, writing, editing and storytelling. Ms Jayshankar has worked in the Economic Times daily, IBT Times, Investopedia and more than a dozen content firms as a content strategist and planner.
Jay Shankar – Co-founder
He has almost three decades of experience in journalism. He has worked with national dailies such as ET, Indian Express, The Pioneer, The Hindu, Agence France Presse and Bloomberg.
The Earth’s ozone layer may recover fully by 2040, and five years later over the Arctic, if the current policies restricting the production.
The UN Secretary-General António Guterres met with 35 donor nations and appealed for the restoration of funds to a UN body working for.
HQ Team September 21, 2023: An emergence of virulent diseases due to rising temperatures, a mass exodus of people fleeing wildfires and distressing.