Drugs Health Medical

Mild concussions linked to long-term brain changes: Cambridge study

HQ Team August 22, 2024: Even a mild concussion could lead to long-term changes in the brain, according to a new study conducted.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Birth by C-section may double the chance of measles vaccine failure

HQ Team May 17, 2024: A measles vaccine given to a child born by caesarean section is likely to be 2.6 times completely.

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Climate Health Pharma

2023 comes up as hottest summer in 2,000 years: Scientists reveal

HQ Team May 14, 2024: Last year was the hottest summer in the Northern Hemisphere for the past two thousand years, researchers found.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Cambridge Univ, AstraZeneca, MRC to set up genomics laboratory

HQ Team November 29, 2023: The University of Cambridge announced a partnership with AstraZeneca and the Medical Research Council to set up a functional genomics laboratory.

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Drugs Health Pharma

DIOSynVax to finish coronavirus vaccine trial in humans by month-end

HQ Team September 29, 2023: DIOSynVax, a spin-out company of the University of Cambridge, is in its final stage of human trials of.

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Climate Health Pharma

41% of US voters say climate change doesn’t have a human cause

American voters who express negative opinions about academics are most likely to believe climate change is not caused by humans and is not.

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Climate Health Pharma

Scientists switch on and off quantum materials’ spin at room temp

HQ Team August 21, 2023: Scientists at the University of Cambridge have used novel materials to replace old quantum technology, techniques, and have.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Study links smoking in adolescents to less grey matter in the brain 

HQ Team August 18, 2023: Grey matter in the human brain may be linked to the start of adolescent smoking and nicotine addiction.

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Climate Health Pharma

‘Outmoded, missing’ weather systems set to take a hard toll on Africans

HQ Team August 15, 2023: The African continent, comprising 54 sovereign nations, has “missing, outmoded or malfunctioning” weather forecasting systems to face a.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Obese people have different ‘appetite control centre’ in brain

HQ Team August 9, 2023: The brain’s hypothalamus gland is a relevant factor in obesity and little is known about how this region.

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