Drugs Medical Pharma

Oxford spin-off develops new test to detect heart attacks 10 yrs in advance

Caristo Diagnostics, founded by four Oxford University cardiologists, has developed an AI-assisted software that can detect cardiac events a decade in advance.

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Drugs Health Pharma

University of Oxford starts human trials to develop vaccine against Nipah virus 

HQ Team January 11, 2023: The first human trials for a vaccine against Nipah virus have been started by the University of Oxford,.

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Drugs Health Pharma

‘Unkome’ to dive into gene pool for unrecognized proteins  

HQ Team August 9, 2023: UK researchers have unveiled a compilation of understudied proteins public database, called “unknome,” that are found in the.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Galleri test to detect multiple cancers rings in new hope

HQ Team June 3, 2023: A blood test accurately predicted two out of three cancers and their origins during a National Health Service.

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Health Medical Pharma

Childhood anxiety leads to unemployment, depression

HQ Team April 28, 2023: Anxiety disorders during childhood can impact employment, difficulties in the workplace, and adult depression, a study by the.

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