Climate Drugs Pharma

Global stroke deaths may be linked to climate change: Study reports

HQ Team April 12, 2024: Global temperatures associated with climate change may result in strokes leading to death and disability, a study found..

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Climate Health Medical

Study maps US, China, Australia as hotspots for ‘forever chemicals’ in water supplies

HQ Team April 10, 2024:  The Environmental Protection Agency in the US has regulated for the first time that municipal utilities will have.

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Climate Health Medical

57 companies responsible for 80% of recent world carbon emissions, says report

HQ Team April 10, 2024: A report released by the international non-profit InfluenceMap reveals that just 57 companies are responsible for 80 percent of the.

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Climate Health Pharma

PFAS found in leading brands of bandages, says report

HQ Team April 8, 2024: A study commissioned by the Environmental Health News and consumer watchdog site Mamavation, found that many bandage brands.

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Climate Health Pharma

Opinion: ‘Sanity’ is sacrosanct, city residents’ mental health sacred

By Aparna S April 3, 2024: Over the last decade and until 2022 about one-third of India’s 1.4 billion people have become city.

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Climate Health Medical

Common household chemicals linked to rising neurological disorders: Study

HQ Team April 1, 2024: The surge in neurological and neurodevelopmental conditions over the past decade has raised concerns among medical experts, who.

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Climate Health Pharma

Australia’s carbon offset scheme has ‘negligible impact,’ a ‘failure’

HQ Team March 28, 2024: Australia’s carbon offset scheme, a central feature of climate policy in the country for two decades, to regenerate.

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Climate Health Medical

Urban dwellers losing their ability to digest plant cellulose

HQ Team March 22, 2024: A recent study titled “Cryptic diversity of cellulose-degrading gut bacteria in industrialized humans” says that urban dwellers are.

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Climate Health Pharma

Europe lagging behind efforts to keep climate crisis at bay: EEA

HQ Team March 11, 2024: Europe, one of the fastest-warming continents in the world, is not keeping pace with a rapidly growing climate.

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Climate Health Pharma

Arctic may be ice-free for a month by mid-century: UC Boulder researchers

HQ Team March 7, 2024: Greenhouse gas emissions will rob the Arctic ice as early as the 2030s in summer, resulting in a significant impact.

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