Climate Health

UN floats global plan to build climate change resilience

COP27 resilience agenda

HQ Team

November 9, 2022: The UN has unveiled a global plan to build resilience in four billion people to fight climate change by 2030.

The Sharm El-Shiekh Adaptation Agenda, will accelerate the UN’s Race to Resilience’s goals, and up to $300 billion needs to be mobilised to fund it, according to a statement.

Shram is a holiday resort in the Egyptian city on the southern Sinai Peninsula. The Conference of Parties, or COP27 meeting of world leaders to discuss climate issues, is being held here currently.

The Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda outlines 30 adaptation outcomes to enhance resilience.

$300 billion

According to the UN, global nations need to raise “$140 to $300 billion” across public and private sources annually, with a minimum target of 50% for adaptation.

“Of particular concern and focus is Africa, where the private finance share in the total financing of climate adaptation efforts is not more than 3% ($11.4 billion).” It will need seven times that amount annually until 2030.

Each outcome presents global solutions that can adopt at a local level to respond to local climate contexts, needs and risks.

About half the world’s population will be at severe risk of climate change impacts by 2030, even in a 1.5-degree world, according to an analysis published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Extreme weather

Climate hazards, such as extreme heat, drought, flooding, and extreme weather, are rising.

“These outcomes represent the first comprehensive global plan to rally state and non-state actors behind a shared set of adaptation actions required by the end of this decade across five impact systems.”

The systems are food and agriculture, water and nature, coastal and oceans, human settlements, infrastructure, and enabling solutions for planning and finance.

The 30 adaptation outcomes include urgent global 2030 targets related to transitioning to climate-resilient, sustainable agriculture that can increase yields by 17% and reduce farm-level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 21%.

Freshwater ecosystems

The outcomes aim to protect and restore an estimated 400 million hectares in critical areas such as freshwater ecosystems.

It also wants to support indigenous and local communities using nature-based solutions to improve water security and livelihoods and transform two billion hectares of land into sustainable management.

The adaptation plan will protect 3 billion people by installing innovative and early warning systems.

The adaptation outcomes will expand access to clean cooking for 2.4 billion people through “innovative finance” of at least $10 billion yearly.

Overall progress on implementation will be reported back to COP 28, to be held in Dubai next year.

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