HealthQuill Drugs A dietary supplement helps reverse signs of heart disease
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A dietary supplement helps reverse signs of heart disease


Dietary supplement helps in heart disease/Unsplash

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January 10, 2023: A dietary supplement can reverse the signs of heart disease in certain patients, according to new research from Osaka University.

The dietary supplement tricaprin is capable of “dramatically” reversing signs of heart disease in certain patients, according to new research from Osaka University. Scientists report routine supplementation of tricaprin resulted in coronary artery plaque regression and the alleviation of symptoms among patients with triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy, according to new research from Osaka University.

The supplement Tricaprin promotes lipid breakdown by heart muscle cells, and the researchers noticed that a dose of tricaprin resulted in remarkable regression of the triglyceride build-up in the blood vessels of the heart.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) narrows down or even closes the arteries of the heart, which can often lead to a heart attack. Despite available treatments such as cholesterol-lowering drugs and drug-eluting stents, death from this condition is still common.

 “Almost 15 years ago we identified a new type of CAD called triglyceride deposit cardiomyovasculopathy (TGCV), in which the coronary arteries are occluded by triglyceride deposits generated by the defective intracellular breakdown of triglycerides in vascular smooth muscle cells,” says lead study author Ken-ichi Hirano in a press release. “This mechanism makes TGCV distinct from classic cholesterol-induced atherosclerosis and accounts for patients who are resistant to standard remedies for CAD.”

CAD and diabetes mellitus

Study authors note TGCV is particularly prevalent among patients with diabetes mellitus and people who have undergone hemodialysis. While the condition is diagnosable, effective treatment does not exist. “Now we report a remarkable regression of diffuse coronary atherosclerosis in two patients with TGCV,” adds Ken-ichi Hirano. “Both had suffered from refractory chest pain and diabetes until diagnosis with TGCV, and subsequent dietary intake of tricaprin led to symptom relief.”

While atherosclerosis regression following decreased serum lipid levels is well-described, this is the first report of regression due to increased triglyceride lipolysis within cells, and as such, is a conceptually novel treatment for coronary atherosclerosis,” Ken-ichi Hirano concludes.

Some patients do not respond to current CAD treatments, and this supplement will pave the way for a new, improved approach to CAD treatment.

As always, you should never take any new supplements or drugs without first consulting your doctor.

The study is published in the European Heart Journal.

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