Drugs Health Pharma

Scientists develop potential compound to neutralise flesh-eating bacteria

A family of antimicrobial compounds can neutralise necrotising fasciitis, a deadly bacterial skin infection that is also known as flesh-eating disease, when tested.

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Drugs Health Pharma

WHO warns on drug-resistant Klebsiella Pneumonie spread

HQ Team August 4, 2024: The WHO has warned about the rising global incidence of hypervirulent and multi-resistant Klebsiella Pneumoniae (hvKp) infections. The.

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Drugs Health Pharma

One billion people may get better health services by 2025: WHO says

HQ Team May 7, 2024: A target of one billion additional people enjoying better health and well-being is likely to be met by.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Require access to testing, diagnostic services to control STI: WHO

HQ Team July 26, 2023: Better access to testing and diagnostic services is required to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STI) being acquired by.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Pfizer: ’Positive results’ emerge out of multi-drug-resistant trials

HQ Team June 1, 2023: Pfizer’s last-stage experimental trials for treating multi-drug-resistant bacteria have yielded positive results, the US-based company announced. The Phase.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Drug resistance to malaria on the rise in Africa, WHO says

Antimalarial drug resistance in Africa is a severe cause for concern and parasite resistance to artemisinin medicine has emerged in the Greater Mekong.

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Health Pharma

Tuberculosis claims 1.6 million people in 2021, WHO says

Tuberculosis, the second deadliest infectious killer after Covid-19, claimed 1.6 million lives last year, including 187,000 HIV-positive patients, according to the WHO's 2022.

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Drugs Medical Pharma

Speedier regulatory approval needed for antibiotics: Report

Rampant antibiotics resistance needs speedier regulatory approval for new drugs

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