Drugs Health Pharma

Opinion: West Nile Virus’ genetic sequence needs in-depth study

Urgent steps are needed to study the dynamics of the circulating viral strains about its vector, hosts and environment for developing effective preventive.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Opinion: Organ donation is the gift of life to another human being

By K. Leelamoni March 2, 2024: A few days ago, I read in the newspaper about the family of a 62-year-old lady, who.

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Drugs Health Medical

New study paves way for animal-to-human organ transplants

Bharti Jayshankar January 25, 2024: Scientists at the University of Alabama-Birmingham’s Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine have successfully transplanted genetically modified pig.

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Drugs Health Pharma

FDA rules Accord’s tacrolimus oral drug not “substitutable” for US market

HQ Team September 19, 2023: The USFDA stated that Accord Healthcare Inc.’s generic tacrolimus oral capsules, meant to treat organ rejection, were no.

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Drugs Health Pharma

US boffins invent device to detect body’s organ transplant rejection

HQ Team September 11, 2023: An electronic device to endlessly monitor a transplanted organ’s temperature, to detect signs of the body’s rejection, has.

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