Drugs Health Pharma

Australian researchers shed light on animal-human virus transmission

HQ Team June 23, 2023: Australian researchers have unearthed the process of how an infectious virus enters human cells from animals. The researchers.

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Climate Health Pharma

Humans inhale microplastics equal to a credit card every week

HQ Team June 14, 2023: About 16.2 bits of microplastic are inhaled by humans every hour — that constitutes a credit card for.

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Drugs Health Pharma

Fusion of brain cells after COIVID-19 infection may cause ‘brain fog’: Study

HQ Team June 8, 2023: The COVID-19 virus can fuse the brain cells that may lead to disruption in cell-to-cell communication resulting in.

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Drugs Medical Pharma

Portable malaria detection tool without blood tests works in 10 seconds

A harmless beam of infrared light on a person’s finger or ear can detect malaria in five to ten seconds, researchers from the.

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