Drugs Health Pharma

Cholera kills 1,766 people in Jan-April period, vaccines in short supply 

HQ Team May 17, 2024: More than 1,700 people have died globally due to cholera in the four months ended April amid a.

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Drugs Health Pharma

One billion people may get better health services by 2025: WHO says

HQ Team May 7, 2024: A target of one billion additional people enjoying better health and well-being is likely to be met by.

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Health Medical Pharma

WHO rejects setting up ‘safe zone’ in Gaza, says ‘broad agreement’ needed

HQ Team November 18, 2023: A plan to create a safe zone at Gaza’s Al-Mawasi is a “recipe for disaster” and the WHO.

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Climate Health Pharma

Air, freshwater, soil becoming saltier, posing an ‘existential threat’

HQ Team November 6, 2023: Human activities are making the earth’s air, freshwater and soil saltier, posing an “existential threat” if the trend.

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Climate Health Pharma

Gaza heading toward a massive humanitarian crisis: UN says

HQ Team October 13, 2023: Conflict-torn Gaza is running out of food, water, electricity and critical supplies as an Israeli blockade prevents aid.

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Climate Health Pharma

In near future you can charge electric cars on a concrete roadway: MIT

HQ Team August 1, 2023: A supercapacitor made of cement, water, and carbon black can store large amounts of energy and may form.

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Climate Health Medical

Water storage levels in 50% of world’s largest lakes falling: Study

HQ Team May 20, 2023: Half of the world’s largest lakes are losing water due to a warming climate, unsustainable human consumption, and.

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Climate Health

Five billion people will have less access to water by 2050: WMO

The planet got drier than usual in 2021, according to the WMO.

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The Right Water Intake in a Day

Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate is the modern mantra for great skin, hair and digestion. The magical number is eight glasses of water a.

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