Drugs Health Medical Pharma

TruVision to recall adulterated dietary products after FDA inspection

HQ Team May 2, 2023: TruVision Health, a US-based healthcare company, will recall its dozen unapproved dietary products after an FDA inspection found.

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Climate Health Uncategorized

Newer regions of world at risk from severe heat waves, says research

  Credit: NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio HQ Team May 1, 2023: Heat waves and record temperatures in regions with cooler climates are raising.

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Climate Health Medical Pharma

10,000 missing bits of DNA separate humans from chimps: Yale study

HQ Team May 1, 2023: Ten thousand bits of genetic information, throughout evolutionary history, separate humans from chimpanzees, our closest primate relative, according to.

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Health Medical Pharma

Dutch court orders father of 550 kids to stop sperm donation

HQ Team April 29, 2023: The Hague District Court has stopped a man from donating sperm after he was alleged to have fathered.

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Climate Health Medical Pharma

Vaccine for Lyme disease soon

Pfizer and Moderna are ready to introduce a vaccine for Lyme disease by 2030.

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Health Uncategorized

Mental fatigue from social media hinders response to ads, finds study

Mental fatigue from social media scrolling affects our buying decisions when faced with product advertising.

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Health Medical Pharma

Childhood anxiety leads to unemployment, depression

HQ Team April 28, 2023: Anxiety disorders during childhood can impact employment, difficulties in the workplace, and adult depression, a study by the.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Lab-made lung models facilitate faster drug testing and substitute animal subjects

Scientists in Australia have developed accurate lab models of human lungs that will help in therapeutic testings and do away with the need.

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Drugs Health Pharma

COVID-19 deaths fall by 95% globally, WHO to unveil long-term plans

HQ Team April 27, 2023: Global deaths due to COVID-19 have fallen by 95% since January, and nations need to take steps to.

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Drugs Health Medical Pharma

Biogen’s sclerosis drug gets FDA’s fast approval clearance

HQ Team April 26, 2023: The US Food and Drug Administration has cleared Biogen Inc’s drug, branded as Qalsody, to treat amyotrophic lateral.

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